11-10-1959 Here we believe firmly that Imagining is God; that the Supreme Power of the Universe is one with human Imaging. So, when you read the Bible . . a fabulous, inspired book . . and you come to the word “God” you can also use the word “Imagining” and you will get a clearer understanding of it.Romans 4:20 . . “No distrust made him (Abraham) waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew…
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The New Christology
9-22-1967 You will find this a very practical night, for I feel that the truth of the working of God’s law should be looked upon as intensely as anything in this world. So tonight I want to show you quite clearly how God’s law operates.We are told in the 14th chapter of John: ‘Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions;…
Read moreThe Pattern Man
Tonight’s subject is “The Pattern Man.” Paul, in his final letter to Timothy, . . when he felt that he was about to depart this world, he wrote Timothy, and he said: “Follow the pattern of the sound words which you have heard from me. Guard the truth which has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.” [II Timothy 1:13, 14] Paul’s Letters were written twenty-odd years before any other…
Read moreThe Pattern Man 07-17-1968
07-17-1968 The Bible is a mystery, to be known only by revelation. You can sit down and think about it and rationalize from now to the ends of time, if it is not revealed in you, you will not know it. And the majority of the teachers of the world take the traditions of men and teach it as fact, and so we come, then to one Bible with these preconceived misconceptions of the…
Read moreThe Pearl of Great Price
Tonight’s subject is the Pearl of Great Price. This is taken from the 13th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, 45th and 46th verses. It’s all about the Kingdom of Heaven. And, first of all, let us say that the Kingdom of Heaven is simply that state into which man rises, where everything is completely subject to his imaginative power. He is destined to be an heir, one with his Father, who is God,…
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