Awakened Imagination 1954

As you have heard, this morning’s subject is “Awakened Imagination”. It is my theme for the entire series of nineteen lectures. Everything is geared towards the awakening of the imagination. I doubt if there is any subject on which clear thinking is more rare than the imagination. The word itself is made to serve all kinds of ideas. many of them directly opposed to one another. But here this morning I hope to convince you…

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Awake, O Sleeper 01-08-1968

01-08-1968 The Bible is addressed to the Imagination…which is spiritual sensation…and only immediately to the understanding, or reason. In the fifth chapter of the Book of Ephesians we are told to: “Awake O sleeper and rise from the dead.” Now, reason could never comprehend these words, but the Bible is calling upon Imagination to awaken, telling Him that he is sleeping, dreaming his world into being. But Imagination, now a rational being, does not know…

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