03-22-1968 Quite often someone will say to me: “I don’t think others understand you.” I was asked this question: ‘When you use the word ‘state’ I don’t think others know what you mean, so would you please explain it?’” Tonight I will try. We are told: ‘You are sons of the Most High, all of you.” (Not just a few, but all of us). “Nevertheless, you will die like men and fall”…..into infinite states…
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In Praise of Wisdom
4/23/65 Tonight’s subject is “In Praise of Wisdom.” The Bible speaks of two entirely different types: The wisdom of this world which they claim is foolishness in the eyes of God; and then the wisdom of God which is foolishness in the eyes of man. But the road to the wisdom of God is the great secret of God. It’s not through some initiation ceremony or philosophical instruction, but through the highest gift of…
Read moreImparting and Implanting the Word
12/15/67 The most incredible story ever told man or that could ever be told man is the gospel. You and I read in the morning paper, and we’re all excited that someone transplanted a heart. Time magazine refers to it as the “ultimate operation”; take a heart from one who is dead and put it into the body of one who needs one badly. Why, I do not know, but he wants to vegetate beyond…
Read moreInfinite Power
02-16-1968 “Truth is within ourselves. It takes no rise from outer things No matter what you see. There is an inmost center in us all Where truth abides in fullness to know, Rather than insist on opening up a way Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape That is effecting everything As a light that is supposed to be without.” My word is truth. This truth is within you, waiting to be accepted in order…
Read moreIs Christ Your Imagination
03-22-1963 Tonight’s subject is in the form of a question: “Is Christ your Imagination?” When we ask the question we expect the answer in terms of our current background of thought, and quite often that is not adequate to frame the answer. Now, I am asking the question, and in order to answer myself I should really clarify the terms, “imagination” and “Christ” I think there will be no problem tonight if I define…
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