01-26-1968 William Blake once wrote these words to his friend, Thomas Butts: “Now I a fourfold vision see, And a fourfold vision is given to me: ‘Tis fourfold in my supreme delight And threefold in soft Beulah’s night And twofold always, may God us keep From single vision and Newton’s sleep!” Fourfold vision is to single vision as ordinary sight is to blindness. We all experience single and threefold vision. It’s twofold and fourfold…
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10-28-1968 When asked: “What is the greatest of all the commandments?” God answered: “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.” Accept this commandment! Live by it and you will be free from all secondary causes. There is only one God. He is the father of us all who is above all, through all, and in all. He is a universally diffused individuality whose name forever and ever is I AM….
Read moreFulfillment of God’s Plan
I think you’re all aware that this is the most dramatic week in Christendom and yet I dare say that not an nth part of one percent of those who call themselves Christians really understand what it is all about. It’s the story of the fulfillment of God’s purpose. That’s the week, the triumphant march into Jerusalem, the crucifixion and then the resurrection. And it’s told as though it took place on earth. That’s how…
Read moreFundamentals
1953 From INTA Bulletin, “New Thought” summer 1953 With so vast a subject, it is indeed a difficult task to summarize in a few hundred words what I consider the most basic ideas on which those who seek a true understanding of metaphysics should now concentrate. I shall do what I can in the shape of three fundamentals. These fundamentals are: Self-Observation, Definition of Aim, and Detachment. The purpose of true metaphysics is to bring…
Read moreGenesis 27 Jacob Gets Isaac’s Blessing
1948 Our third interpretation is the story of Isaac and his two sons: Esau and Jacob. The picture is drawn of a blind man being deceived by his second son into giving him the blessing which belonged to his first son. The story stresses the point that the deception was accomplished through the sense of touch. “And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come near, I pray thee that I may feel thee, my son, whether…
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