
Search: Lectures, Books, Site

As far as we know, our database of Neville Goddard lectures (available free) is the largest online; at last count, there are 345+. The following list includes the majority of our collection, but it's not our complete library. We'll update the list from time-to-time, as well as add more lectures when we find them. We also have the majority of Neville's books.

How To Search

We've made our library and blog searchable using a keyword, and you can use more than one. For example, if you want to search imagination, just click on the search icon located on the right-hand side of the site menu; it looks like a small magnifying glass next to "Contact Us":

Input imagination then press enter. Or, you can place multiple keywords or a title within quotes "__________" to retrieve an exact match of those keywords or phrase. For example: "Feeling is the Secret" (upper- or lowercase, it doesn't matter).

A list of lectures and books containing the word "imagination" or "Feeling is the Secret" will upload. From there, click on any selection to see imagination or Feeling is the Secret highlighted wherever it's used. Your search term or phrase will be highlighted (in yellow) within the text. 

What's our goal?

First, to share Neville's work with anyone who has imagined it. And, second, to build an amazing community of deliberate creators who are all thriving in their own unique way. On that note, we hope you'll share your thoughts in our Facebook Group and provide a reference and/or quote aligned with your perspective. This way, each of us can dig deeper and gain more understanding and clarity on our way to realizing who we really are!  

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