10-14-1968 Man is seeking the source, the cause, of the phenomena of life. In his search, he grows and outgrows his many concepts of God until he finds the one God he can never outgrow, and therefore can never lose. That is the God which he finds in a first person, present tense experience. Here is a true story that verges on this truth. While a friend was shaving, his little girl watched, and…
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The Sphere Within
06-02-1969 Entering this world of death, you brought all you have (or can have) with you. You are like a garden, already planted and sowed, for this world is too poor to produce one seed. Although William Blake was called a madman, he knew this great truth, and said: “The Human Imagination is the Eternal Body of the Lord Jesus.” I tell you: the Lord Jesus is your own wonderful human imagination, who became…
Read moreThe Spirit Of Truth
10-07-1968 When I speak of Jesus or any other character of scripture, I am speaking of a personification of a principle, not of a person as you are or I am. The Bible records vision, and makes no reference to persons or events which occurred on earth. Unfortunately, man has mistakenly taken personifications spoken of there for persons . . the vehicle that conveyed the instruction for the instruction, and the gross first sense…
Read moreThe Spirit Within
04-25-1969 When reading the Bible always bear in mind that the persons Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus, Peter, Paul, (or any name appearing there) are states of consciousness. The names only identify the states represented. If you see the characters as persons, you misunderstand scripture, for the names are simply personifications of eternal states which will be revealed to you, mortal man, in a series of divine revelations. Satan, for instance, personifies the state of…
Read moreThe Spiritual Cause
05-03-1968 All cause is spiritual! Although a natural cause seems to be, it is a delusion of the vanishing vegetable memory. Unable to remember the moment a state was imagined, when it takes form and is seen by the outer eye its harvest is not recognized, and therefore denied. “There is a moment in each day that Satan cannot find, nor can his watch fiends find it, but the industrious find this moment and…
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