06-4-1971 Only that which has no right to live must die, and only that which has no right to exist must be brought to an end. And that hasn’t a thing to do with any child born of woman, or any flower that ever bloomed. It’s something entirely different from what the world would suspect, for you and I have been given the greatest gift in the world. “God became as we are, that…
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The Father
09-23-1968 The Bible begins with Abram, a character whose name means “exalted father.” Abram was placed in a profound sleep, told of the trials and tribulations he would pass through, and the length of time which he would suffer. Then the Lord God said to him: “Behold my covenant is with you. No longer shall your name be Abram, but Abraham for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.” The…
Read moreThe First Principle
06-09-1969 Do not accept any statement from scripture, the church, or an individual (including the speaker) as true until you have found God or a living truth in what is being said. What I tell you I know from experience, but I ask you not to accept my words without questioning them within yourself. It is silly to accept something simply because the church said it, or you read it in the Bible, or…
Read moreThe Flood Is Still Upon Us
(The tape starts in the middle of a sentence) …describing things that happened unnumbered years ago, but I tell you it’s contemporary. You read about the flood, and you think: “Well, certainly that happened unnumbered (if it ever did happen) . . it happened unnumbered years ago.” This morning, as is my custom, I turned on channel KFAC. That is a radio station that plays through the day and night, twenty-four hours a day, only…
Read moreThe Forming Of Christ In You
06-23-1969 That which is profoundly spiritual is in reality most directly practical. Tonight I will tell you a story from scripture which is profoundly spiritual. It is misunderstood in the world, but I know its inner meaning and will show you how altogether practical it is. In all the revelations which await you, there is none so fundamental as the forming of Christ in you. How is it formed? By whom and where is…
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