5/11/65 Tonight is “The Art of Imagining.” I hope you will listen carefully and apply it. It will not fail you. Every natural effect in this world has an imaginal cause; the natural effect is only seeming, it’s an illusion. I don’t care what the effect is…the most normal natural thing in this world…and the reason why we do not recognize that it is produced by some imaginal, or you could use the word spiritual,…
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The Awakening Of Faith
11-28-1969 Those who experience the Christian mystery are charged with the responsibility of telling others. Their aim is the awakening of faith in God. For, as Paul, I ask the question: “How can men call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how can they hear unless there is a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are…
Read moreThe Battle Of Armageddon
05-06-1969 Your true environment is in your imagination! All that you behold, though it appears without, it is within, in your imagination . . of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. No matter what is taking place on the outside, it is but a symbol telling you what is taking place within; for the world is nothing more than yourself pushed out. Its image, alive in your imagination, overwhelms you. Tonight…
Read moreThe Bible – Your Biography
02-05-1963 When I tell you the Bible is your biography, I am actually saying that you are God, and I mean it. We are told in the 82nd Psalm: “I say, ‘You are god s, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like men, and fall like any prince.” So I mean exactly what the psalmist said: that you are gods. But man has such a strange concept of the…
Read moreThe Bible’s Mystery
03-14-1969 Think of this fabulous world as a play filled with horrors, violence, and fear, from which there seems to be no escape. Then think of the play as coming to its end as one man is called, incorporated into the body of the play’s author and sent back to tell what he heard, what he saw and felt. This is the story of salvation. Our New Testament finds each author claiming to be…
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