11-24-1959 On this platform we believe that God is all Imagination and God is man (spiritual man, not the garment of skin he wears). Therefore man is all Imagination. We believe also that God, being the only creator, and God being man, then we are creators, that life itself is an activity of Imagination. The whole world in which we live is a world of Imagination. Tonight we hope to show it in such…
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Occupant or Inmate
11-22-1966 Tonight’s subject is “Occupant or Inmate” An occupant established title to property by dwelling in it and is free to come and go as he chooses. An inmate is confined. Whether it be a prison or asylum, the inmate is restrained by law, yet he is just as free as the occupant, but he does not know it. Now, Christ is what God means by man, and if you know who Christ is,…
Read moreOne Greater Than John
Tonight’s subject is “One Greater Than John.” I think you will find this a most practical approach to this teaching. When we open the Bible we think it is just a normal book. May I tell you, it is not; it is divine history and all the characters in scripture represent states of consciousness, from Adam to Jesus, everyone. They’re not individuals as you and I are; they’re simply representatives of these states of…
Read moreOne Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Days
09-13-1968 According to a rabbinical principle, what is not written in the Old Testament does not exist. The life of Jesus follows this principle. He made no attempt to change the world of Caesar or its social order, but left it just as it is, for man to make mistakes and live as he desires. Urging man to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s,…
Read moreOrder – Then Wait
04-16-1970 God and man are inseparable. We are all members of the Divine Body, partakers of the Divine nature. We cannot be separated. We are one. Now, let us turn to Scripture for confirmation of what I have just said. I now quote from the 64th chapter of the Book of Isaiah: “O Lord, Thou art our Father. We are the clay. Thou art our Potter. We are the work of Thy hand.” Now,…
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